Market Data

The Sussilleaux Team Wide

We want to provide you with free, up to date, market data on the New York City real estate market.

The data is arranged by property type, and then by date and neighborhood. 

One great feature is that all the property addresses are clickable, so you can see detailed information on each one. 

Questions?  Curious about YOUR property? 

We look forward to connecting with you.  Our contact information is HERE.

Table of Contents

Manhattan Townhouse Market Data

The sales data  is for both single, and multi-family homes in Manhattan. 

It is grouped by neighborhood, and then by sold date. 

The addresses are all clickable if you want to see more detail about a particular property. 

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us to discuss the data, and how to interpret it, as it applies to your situation.

Manhattan Townhouse Data Apr to Jun 2023

Manhattan Townhouse Data Jan to Mar 2023

Conominium Market Data

The sales data  is one to three Bedroom Condos recently sold in Manhattan

It is grouped by neighborhood, and then by the number of bedrooms

The addresses are all clickable if you want to see more detail about a particular property. 

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us to discuss the data, and how to interpret it, as it applies to your situation.

Co-op Market Data

Co-op market data is coming soon.